The Get-It-All-Together Approach

Jacki Sorensen created the world’s first aerobic dancing program more than 40 years ago, and Jacki Sorensen’s Fitness Classes continue to be at the forefront of fun fitness for all ages. Her Get-It-All-Together approach offers everything you need for a complete head-to-toe workout with maximum results.

All Dance classes and StrongStep classes include:

  • Warmup with stretching
  • Corework to firm and strengthen your abdominals and torso
  • Vertifirm to firm and strengthen your legs, glutes, chest and arms
  • Cardio to strengthen your aerobic system and burn fat
  • A cooldown with stretching

You will enjoy moving to a variety of motivating music and feel great about all you have accomplished at the finish of every class!

From the Fitness Floor

“My dance experiences with Jacki Sorensen started exactly 10 years ago when I reached the mature age of 50 and decided it was time to start paying attention to my physical fitness before it was too late. I’d always loved to dance, enjoyed music and thought it would be a good fit with my work schedule. At first, it was a struggle to learn the various steps and commands, but I enjoyed it so much that it became a wonderful habit.

For all the years of friendship, fitness, sweat, laughter, and just plain fun, I sincerely thank Jacki and her instructors.

Warmest Mahalo!”

— Kathy Dunn
Honolulu, Hawaii